Things To Do For National Assisted Living Week
September 07, 2017 | Blog | Reading Time 3:00 Minutes
Take a moment and reflect on how you would define family. Your definition may go beyond those you are related to by bloodline or share a last name. Perhaps your friend or neighbor came to mind. Poet Maya Angelou once said, “Family isn’t always blood, it’s the people in your life who want you in theirs: the ones who accept you for who you are, the ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” National Assisted Living Week is September 10 – 16, and encourages assisted living communities across the country to celebrate the strong connections and friendships between family, residents, staff, community members, and volunteers.
Here are some activities to help celebrate this year’s theme, “Family is Forever,” with the people who mean the most.
Celebrate Grandparent’s Day
Each year, National Assisted Living Week begins with Grandparent’s Day. This is an opportunity to show appreciation for the positive impact grandparents have had on their grandchildren’s lives. Consider planning a family lunch and have games to play. You can inspire children to write cards of appreciation to their grandparents and tell them why they love them, their favorite things about them, activities they enjoy doing together, etc. In addition, consider encouraging a time for grandchildren to sit down with their grandparents to talk about their life growing up and how things have changed throughout the years. Creating special memories is bound to leave a lasting, and meaningful, impact on all family members involved.
Game Night
Plan a game night and invite friends and family to join in on the fun. Family style games, such as “Family Feud” can encourage involvement from everyone. Don’t forget to have prizes for those who participate! Another option is the beach ball game. Have everyone gather around a large table and toss a beach ball to each other. The person who is passed the beach ball has to answer a fun question about themselves. Not only does this game give friends the opportunity to interact, it allows residents who may not know each other to learn something about someone they have never met. While the slogan of National Assisted Living Week is “Family is Forever,” don’t be afraid to encourage new friendships, which will help you pursue an exceptional life!
Art & Puzzle Event
Did you know art is good for your health? A few of these benefits include improved…
- Concentration
- Cognitive abilities
- Hand-eye coordination
- Mood
Provide supplies for people to embrace their creativity. Gather art supplies, purchase puzzles, or provide brain games to work on with others. At the end of the week display all of the art work in a gallery set up where everyone’s creativity can be shared. Remember to include a variety of art projects and puzzles to appeal to different types of people.
While the list of fun activities for National Assisted Living Week could go on, these ideas provide a great starting point. Remember throughout the week to promote positive relationships between family members, volunteers, residents, and staff. In addition, ask your family and friends about events they would enjoy participating in during the week – you may be surprised about the great ideas others come up with! Regardless of what events you plan, celebrating National Assisted Living Week gives all parties involved something to cherish: irreplaceable moments surrounded by those who make life great.
The Brielle
At The Brielle we understand the importance of fostering an interactive and collaborative environment for our residents – that’s why we offer a calendar full of diverse programs and events. Contact us today to learn more about our Staten Island senior living community.